金沢学院大学について ABOUT US
文学部 文学科 英米文学専攻
Richard Grassi
Richard Grassi
The amount of information we encounter is overwhelming. How can we effectively choose, summarize, enhance, attribute and convey useful English information? I teach my students to become English information curators because information management is a highly valuable skill that can help them in nearly any profession.
Be a curious, active explorer! As a young university student, you have a wonderful opportunity to ask questions to your teachers and fellow students. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or to explore different academic subjects. Now is your time!
学歴 |
学位 | University of San Jose, Doctor of Humanities |
専門分野 | Cross-cultural Studies and International Studies |
担当科目 |
所属学会 | English 2017 Assistant Language Teacher Skill Development Conference |
私のおすすめの本 |
主な研究業績・ 作品等 |
現在の主な研究・ 制作テーマ等 |